Recently, I found clarity to something I have been thinking about for what I want to say is years. I'm not sure when it started, maybe it was at a point in my life when I was looking for meaning, trying to understand my purpose. Perhaps it was when I was trying to understand what having meaning in life actually meant. Or when trying to understand the purpose of my daily actions.
Every day, we as humans, go through our daily actions, but we don't always think about the purpose. We get lost in the repetitiveness of our daily lives, and we forget the meaning of our actions. We forget the deeper meaning of what we woke up for and we don't think about the purpose of sticking our foot in our shoe or why we tied our laces. We rush through the day, we rush through an alley to get to work. As we rush through the alley we don't see whats in front of us, or next to us, or above us or even what we are stepping on. What many people don't realize, what they aren't seeing, is that in that alley there is beauty. There are flowers growing on trees, theres a hidden garden beneath a gate and in the beautiful flower we missed as we rushed through the alley, there is a small ant crawling.
The reality is that the world is huge, there are so many things happening around us that its impossible for our brains to take it all in. To avoid sensory overload it doesn't really look at everything. We look but we don't always see. We rush through crowds but we don't look at anyones face. Everyday, I rush past the man sitting outside his apartment to leave my building, but not once have I spoken a word to him. In graduate school, I walked through Forrest Park every single day, but I often missed that flowers bloomed, or trees turned yellow. Next thing I knew the leaves were gone, but I not once had I stopped to take a look.
This has been something I have thought about for a long time. The fact that I go through days at end and forget to remember why I am doing it. I forget to look at my surroundings, as I rush through the day, in order to get to another day. As I rushed through the days, the days swept by and months past me by. Now I am at this point where I realize that I allowed time to pass me by, without stopping to take it in. To understand all my actions and make sense of all my motives. Or to just stop sometimes and see my surroundings. I question how much I've missed in life, just because of the fact that even just in the last two years, I forgot to stop and appreciate the present day and the people who surrounded me.
I moved here to Jerusalem over two months ago. At least a few times a week I walk down my street through an ally to Beit Lechem. Recently I discovered that in that ally there are beautiful homes. The most extravagant homes I've seen in Jerusalem. Beyond a gate I realized there was what seemed like an enchanting garden, with a pond and flowers, that seemed to never end. As I stopped and stared at the garden, what I couldn't really grasp was the idea that I've walked by this gate so many times and had no idea what I was walking past. I was looking, but I was not seeing.
It is more than not seeing though. You would think that putting on your shoes each day has no meaning to it. When you think about it there is more to a shoe than most stop to realize. First of all, why did we choose the shoe. For what purpose did we put that shoe on when we woke up that morning. It is the idea that we don't often think about the actions of simply putting our foot into a sock, that then goes into our shoe, that then leads to accomplish a goal and takes us through a day.
Perhaps though, its too much to always have to think about these things. We don't really want to allow ourselves to experience sensory overload, or think about every single action we take. It would take too long to get out the door and I guess it would also take too long to get to work if we stopped to see what we walked past everyday. But there is something to be said, about every now and then stopping to think of the meaning of your actions and stopping to not just look but to see your surroundings.
The fresh perspective on life. This is the clarity.