Friday, July 4, 2008

where i've been more wrong then right....

\london has been great but the dollar is worth nothing here. we have tried to do everything we wanted to do but it definatly has held us back a little. The hostel we are staying at is called Astor kensington and i reccemend it to anyone coming to london that wants somewhere clean and friendly. its also convientiently located next to the underground and down the street from a market. the market is great because today we discovered how much cheaper it is to cook your own food. comparted to the 16 to 20 pounds we would have each spent, today we only spent 1.83 pounds each.
i've discovered winnie is more observant then me but details have never been something i'm good at. We have found it difficult to cross the street here. when we are inclined to look left for cars, we should be looking right and because of this we've almost gotten hit by cars several times. people also walk up on the left on stairs and down on the right. thats something i'm not going to get used to...which is ok because we are leaving for dublin tommarow.
the first day we were here we saw london tower and walked across tower bridge. we also walked along the river thames and the site was great. i'm in love with the architecture here and it makes me more excited for the other places we are going. we also saw shakespeare globe theatre, westminister, parliment, big ben...the usual tourist attractions. yesterday we went to the tate modern and its been one of my favorite places here. its modern art and i really enjoyed it. i learned that i can pinpoint a piccasso painting from across the room even if i've never seen it before. we went to the national gallory to and saw a lot of orginal van goughs and monet. i also really enjoyed some other artists that i didn't know i would like so much, renoir and camille and one more that i forgot. yesterday we went to st pauls cathedral and walked up about 500 steps to see the best view of london. my entire body hurts now. buckinham palace was not as exciting as i thought because we went too late and missed the changing of the guards.
today we went portebello road and i loved it. its just a street full of people selling things, simiular to a flea market but i liked this better. we checked out kensington park too and just sat and relaxed a little.
what i love about this so far is that i've been meeting people from all over the world and i've only been here for 2.5 days. i want to say london is the cleaner, more victorian, friendlier version of new york. there are so many people from every where here.
tommarow we leave for dublin early.


Anonymous said...

My mom would be so proud to see all the artists you named! Sounds like you're having an amazing time :o) Keep posting, I wanna know what you're up to! And don't worry about missing the changing of the guards-- it's basically just the guys on the horses leave and new ones come up behind them. You pretty much get the picture. Miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG you totally make me miss London! It was the best summer ever when I was there. I'm glad you liked it! Too bad you don't get to spend more time there, but you saw most of the tourist stuff and I'm sure will have even more fabulous things to see at your next stop. Stay safe!

-Laura (your fantastic big!)