Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lost in Translation...

Tonight there was a מסיבה (party) with the russian doctors that live in the mercaz klitah with us. I guess you can't call it a party, a get together... It is this group of russian doctors that have come to israel to learn medical information to become doctors in Israel. They have to take a test in february to see if they can pass or not. The craziest thing is they are all around our age and are already doctors in their country. They only had a couple months of ulpan so they don't know a lot of hebrew but also some of them don't have great knowledge on english too. I was really interested to talk to some of them but there ws a real language barriar. I realized i need to start thinking in their s hoes. Its hard to remember they might not understand the words i say because of the speed of the language. I found a lot got lost in translation because i didn't have the correct words to express what i wanted to say.

I think coming here a lot has gotten lost in translation to people we meet everywhere.

on a side note, i went on friday with Jackie to run a 5k in Tel aviv. While the experience was awesome, my run was terrible. The experience it self was awesome. I felt like i really lived here, minus the ability to understand the loud speaker. There was so many people there because theire was a 5 k and a 10 k and then a half marathon.

we are lookign into a runing a 10 k before the end of living in be'er sheva

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