Thursday, February 19, 2009

What I have Mono???!!!

Actually I don't have mono, but when you can't communicate with your doctor these are the conclusions that come of it.

I am beginning to realize what kind of barriars and struggles are created from people not knowing the same language universally. Going to the Docter should be a simple task right? It should not be so hard to understand your docters diagnosis but now what if that diagnosis is in a different language and your unable to understand completely what they say? Now this is a problem, and a problem that i experienced the other day.

I started being sick on Monday, and tuesday i diagnosised myself as better to be mistakenly wrong when around 4 or 5 pm my temprature shot up to 102.5 degrees Farenheight. In israel I have to cal my insurance company before I can go to the docter, which i did. There were no docters in Afula that i could go to so I decided to have a docter ordered to come to my home in the student dorms. One of the werider things i've experienced here. In the States I have never heard of ordering a docter to your home.

So here is the other problem...You have (or i had) a 102.5 fever but your docter only knows celcious and is unable to understand the significance of your fever. Not only that I didnt' know how to convert to celcious. So thats the first big barrair. I come from a country that wants to be special by being the only country that uses Farenheight.

Lastly, The docter comes in and I ask if she speaks english (in hebrew) and she says (in hebrew) I speak only russian and hebrew. Well obviously I dont speak russian, and although i can speak hebrew, i do not do well in high stress situations or when i'm not feeling good. She starts checking me, can't figrue out what 102.5 *F means and then procedes to diagnosis and treat me in only hebrew. Being flustered I have no idea what she is telling me. I mean this is a huge problem. I'm sick and the docter sent to me is telling me there is something wrong and I can't understand her because we speak different languages. Finally i get hillary to translate to me and in confusion I think the docter is telling me i have mono!! So then i get upset because i'm thinking how can the docter know this , she barely checked me. But then hillary says the docter says i have a throat disease. At this point i'm very upset, because she uses the word disease and thats a scary word. In the end it turns out i have a throat virus but how can you trust the diagnois from a person you can only understan through the translation of your roomate?? Very frustrating.

I have never been so frusrated to not be fluent in hebrew. But in a time of need all you wish for is that people just spoke your language. I guess thats what i get for deciding to move to a country where i'm not fluent in the language. Now i have something to laugh about later....

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