Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Let your beat go on forever,
They say we are made to live as one
Let this need to fear eachother, Not be passed on to my son
let your beat go on forever
let your fears down rivers run
Let the silence be the music, when the words are said and done..."

Purim: Israel is the only place in the world that all children get a 3 day vacation for. It is the only place where purim, as far as I know is celebrated for a whole week or even better... a entire month. Is the only place where I have seen the most creative creations for costumes in my 23 years of life. Purim I have come to find is by far one of the more interesting holidays. Can't say i completely understand the whole idea behind it, but i guess its a mitzvah to drink until you have lost all senses.
Should i feel guilty that I did not get into the holiday that much, perhaps. I did a few things for it. Afula had this huge carnival/ fair in the center of the city and i was pretty in awe with it. I did not dress up though. It is not that I do not like to party, but i guess since i never celebrated puriim before this year I found it hard to get into it. It was fun to see everyones costumes though, the city really got into and it was kind of exciting to see. I felt like i really was experiencing something in Israel that I could not see in the United States. To Tell you the truth, Purim here is way cooler then Halloween at home.

Considering I work with only children, I was surprised with a 3 day, which turned into a 4 day vacation! Happy Purim to me! Vacation for purim? Thats new to me.
I made pretty good use of my vacation execept for the actual day of purim, where apparently I did not receive the mitzvah of hearing the migillah reading...woops.

Monday Jess and I took a little tiyul (trip) to go hike up Mount Tevor. It was a beautiful day and I'm so happy I decided to go. I need something like that in my life to make me feel like i'm not wasting my time here. I guess we did not anticipate the diffiuculty of the hike, because it was hard and well... i'm out of shape. Everything about it the was beautiful, it is these kind of trips that make me realize and remember how much i love Israel. There is something really refreshing about open space, fields, nature and mountains. Somehow this supposed 30 minute hike took two hours or more. We took the wrong the path and were kind of wandering around the mountain for awhile. As we got closer to the end what did we find, well a heard of wild cows....and their children. Now how often do i walk around michigan and find random wild heards of cows? pretty much...never. Being pretty uneducated about wild cows, jess and i decided we should find out if it was ok to go near them. There was no way to keep going with out being inches away. So we called my friend who informed us that no...wild cows are not dangerous and to just not pet them.

By the time we got to the top of the mountain i was exhausted, we skipped the church at the time and hitched a ride with a sherut going back down with some catholic people from england, here for a pilgramage of sorts. They were absoltutly appaled that we didn't go to the church. We get to the bottom and a group of nigeran tourists try to push their way on to the sherut. Apparently they didn't understand you have to let people off first, so i'm trying to get off this bus and they are pushing me as they shove their way on. A little fact for the day....The nigerian government pays for it citizens to come to Israel once in their lifetime. The rumore has it that they make a lot of money from oil that pays for this. Is this true? don't entirely know.

Today! I took my first small road trip in Israel. It was quite exhilirating. I went with erica and rehut, her host sister and it was a lot of fun. Its a rare occasion that i go long distances in an actual car. I sometimes wonder if i can even still drive after 6 months of not stepping into the drivers side of the car. ERica and I had interviews at save a childs heart and then spent the rest of the day at the beach. Today was also a beautiful day!

Recently I watched this movie called the Bubble....First I want to say i recemend it. Second, i have been thinking about the title. The Bubble. It takes place in tel aviv, and in some ways I can see the idea behind it being a bubble. To come from Afula to Tel aviv in one day, you almost your not living in the same country. Life in Tel Aviv always just continues on, with no realization of life outside of the city. you could live in Tel aviv and barely know whats going on in the south Near gaza, or in the north...

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