Tuesday, June 2, 2009

And the whole country ran for cover....or not.

JPost.com » Israel » Article

Jun 2, 2009 0:44 | Updated Jun 2, 2009 20:53
Sirens sound in home front drill

Air raid sirens sounded across the country at 11 a.m. on Tuesday as part of a week-long, country-wide war drill dubbed "Turning Point Three."

Home Front official on Turning Point 3
When the sirens went off, citizens made their way to designated safe rooms, while schoolchildren were led to bomb shelters and shown a 20-minute film on safety procedures.

Israel never ceases to amaze me on the out of the ordinary things that occur here. A full out country wide drill occured today. When i was first warned about it i thought it was a joke. But no. This really happened. at 11 am exactly today I was walking around the art street with my friend Julia when the alarm went off. The day before i had asked, "What do i do if i'm on the street" the consistent response was do what everyone else does... Well the alarm goes off, julia and i look around to see what everyone is doing and well the answer is nothing. Everyone just went on with there buisness like it was no big deal. And why is there a country wide drill? for the chance that there could be a full out attack on Israel. a little scary wouldn't you say?

Now this is something to write home about.. "Dear mom and Dad, Today i particpated in a country wide drill to practice what to do if the country is under attack.. Don't worry because I actually don't know what to do because during the drill no one ran anywhere."

My niece told me she had to hide under desk during the drill and my brother ran to a bomb sheltor. As i said...israel just never ceases to amaze me. in a good way and odd way sometimes.

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